Corporate philosophy
Zenza Life-Science™ is a company founded by Anthony Diaz and Lani Dizon, and it is based in America but expands business on a global scale from Japan. Despite Japan's economic downturn, our company has achieved remarkable success and has established itself as a leader in the 21st century direct sales market. Its achievement has been recognized worldwide, and it currently expands in Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and the other countries around the world. ZenzaTM is featured in a lot of business magazines, and is widely recognized as an innovative company.
The business culture of Zenza™ is called ‘SPIRIT’ and it is formed by its vision, products, and people involved. This SPIRIT focuses on providing an environment that the customers can aim for developing themselves, improving their health and their quality of life.
We also provide the exclusive sale products at affordable prices, these products are intended to support the health and well-being of customers, and we are committed to product development for our customers can get self-discovery and fulfilment.
Our support systems are designed to make it easy for customers to use our products and maximize their benefits. Zenza™ pursues together to make your lifestyle better through a business model based on relationship of trust with customers.
Discover the spirit of Zenza™ - Life fulfilled one moment at a time.